Remove Driver Filters to Resolve Device Manager Errors on Windows 7
Sometimes the situation might come up where a device that was working flawlessly before will stop doing so, even if…
Uninstall USB Drivers on Windows 7
In the time you used your current Windows 7 system you undoubtly have plugged in a lot of different USB…
Setting the Path Environmental Variable on Windows 7
Whenever you need to call executables from the command line, this is not possible unless you either have directed your…
Automated Windows 7 Installation with an Autounattend.xml File
There is a possibility to create a Windows 7 installation DVD that runs fully automated without any user interaction -…
Windows Automated Installation Kit Error: 0xc1420117 on dism Command
Error: 0xc1420117 The directory could not be completely unmounted. This is usually due to applications that still have files opened…
Mac OS X-like Dock for Windows 7
The Dock, main navigation element in Apple's Mac OS X, is a powerful tool to quickly access your most important…
Merge Lines in VBScript (Windows)
If you need to have multiple commands in one line in MS Windows' VBScript, you can accomplish that by using…
Use Alternate Datastreams to Hide Important Files (Windows, NTFS)
There is a feature in NTFS data system that lets you easily hide your files from nosy people using your…
Make Caps Lock Behave Like Shift (Windows)
The minority of Windows users have really ever needed Caps Lock - most of the passages written in capital letters…
Back up Files on Windows with HoboCopy
HoboCopy is a commandline program that lets you copy large amounts of data in a comparatively short time to other…