How to Comment Out Code in PowerShell Script

PowerShell Code Commenting

This guide gives you an overview of code commenting options in PowerShell. Just like any other programming language, you can comment out code in a PowerShell script for documentation purposes. Single-line comments in PowerShell To comment out a single line, put '#' in the beginning: Multiline Comments in PowerShell To comment out multiple lines, put ... Read more

How to Get a List of Windows PowerShell Modules that can be Imported

Modules are collections of cmdlets that are stored in the path %WINDIR%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\. Get a List of Windows PowerShell Modules Now execute the following command to display the location of each directory where these modules are stored at your computer: write-host "$PSModulePath" You can get a list of all available modules on your Windows system by ... Read more

How to Create Multiple Hyper-V Virtual Machines Using PowerShell

Hyper-V PowerShell

Creating multiple Hyper-V virtual machines using Hyper-V manager is not a quick method. The quickest and time-saving method is to create them via Windows PowerShell. This tutorial has been written to show you how to create three Hyper-V virtual machines with a PowerShell script. Create Multiple Hyper-V Virtual Machines Using PowerShell Step 1. Open notepad editor ... Read more

How to Read a File using PowerShell

If you are working as an admin on Windows Core Server and want to check the contents of a file, you can execute the following command: get-content C:\testfile.txt This command will display the contents of the file using PowerShell. To save the contents in a variable, you can execute: $FileContent = get-content C:\testfile.txt To read the ... Read more