How to Get a List of Windows PowerShell Modules that can be Imported

Modules are collections of cmdlets that are stored in the path %WINDIR%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\.

Get a List of Windows PowerShell Modules

Now execute the following command to display the location of each directory where these modules are stored at your computer:

write-host "$PSModulePath"

You can get a list of all available modules on your Windows system by executing the following command:

Get-Module -ListAvailable

Get all loaded PowerShell Modules

There are few modules loaded for basic management tasks. To check which modules are loaded into PowerShell by default, execute the following command:

Get-Module -All

You can load a particular module by executing the following command:

Import-Module -Name ModuleName

To list commands in a particular module, execute the following command:

Get-Command -Module ModuleName

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