
Send all outgoing email trough one IP address in postfix

When a server has more than one IP address, then postfix will use all IP addresses randomly to send out…

How to delete saved passwords for network drives on Linux desktops

The majority of graphical environments let you choose to remember the passwords you enter somewhere to ease access to something…

How to Copy Files with SCP between Linux Servers

1.1 SCP Command Line-An Overview   The SCP command line is commonly used to copy files over SSH, and between…

How to disable MySQL replication on master/master andmaster/slave setups

The following guide shows how to disable and remove mysql replication from two or more mysql servers. These steps can…

Setting up email routing to gmail / google apps via ISPConfig 3

The following guide describes the steps to add DNS records that route emails from a domain managed in ISPConfig 3…

Convert Linux deb and rpm packages into the respectively other format with alien

Sometimes you are forced to compile packages from source because they are not present in your current distribution's package format,…

Enhanced e-mail SPAM protection in ISPConfig 3

The command below enables a stricter SPAM handling for postfix on ISPConfig 3 servers. In Detail: Reject sender hostnames with…

Updating Samba on CentOS 5

wrote by Rafael Marangoni, from Servidor Linux team. This article explains howto update the Samba packages on CentOS 5 to…



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