If you use postfix and / or amavisd-new on the mail server, you can use the following recipes to block emails with executable (exe, bat, scr) attachments.
Block the attachments with a postfix header filter
In ISPConfig, click on "Email in the upper menu, then on "Content filter" in the left menu and click on the "Add new content filter" button. Enter the following details:
MIME-Header Filter
Regexp. Pattern:
File extension is blacklisted on this server
Use amavisd-new to block the emails with executable attachments.
Edit the amavisd configuration file (/etc/amavisd.conf or /etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf)
and add the following lines:
$banned_filename_re = new_RE( qr'.\.(bat|exe|scr)$'i, qr'^\.(exe|zip|lha|tnef)$'i, );
then restart amavisd-new:
service amavis restart