Linux & Unix

LINUX Basics: How to Move Files in Linux Using mv Command

Moving files and folders is one of the most basic operations you'll need to conduct on a Linux system. You…

How to find out who sent an Email in Postfix mailqueue

You are using a Postfix mail server, and your system started sending masses of spam emails? The following guide will…

How to check in a Bash script, if a file is empty

To check if a file is empty in a Bash script, you can use the "-s" test, which returns true…

How to Create A Directory in Bash if it does not exists

You can use the following script to create a directory like /home/user in a Bash script only if it does…

How to hide bash command output and errors

To redirect both the output and the errors of a Bash command to /dev/null, you can use the following syntax:…

How to Delete the root Crontab on Linux

You need root privileges to empty the root user's crontab on Linux. You can achieve this by either logging in…

How to Install Django with Nginx and PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 22.04

Django is a free and open source Python web framework used for developing dynamic websites and applications. It is used…

How to Shutdown or Reboot Debian 12

Since Debian 10, the Debian Linux distribution uses systemd to control the starting and stopping of services, and Systemd also…

Create shortcuts in Linux (symbolic links)

Windows users are used to being able to create shortcuts to have fast access to their files and folders easily.…

How to Requeue Emails in Postfix on Linux

This guide will show you step-by-step how to requeue emails in Postfix on Linux. I've been using these steps on…



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