How to Change Icons in Windows 10 4 years ago Windows 10 provides you with the flexibility to change the appearance of different icons. You can modify and customize how… How to Create a PDF File in Windows 10 4 years ago PDF stands for Portable Document Format and it is the most popularly used file saving format. Normally, the files that… Text too small? Here’s how you can increase text/font size on your Android device 4 years ago While most of us are comfortable with the default size of text on our smartphones, there may be situations where-in… How to reset the MySQL root password 4 years ago The following steps describe the procedure to reset the MySQL root password on Linux. The same procedure works for MariaDB… How to redirect an HTTP connection to HTTPS in Apache webserver 4 years ago HTTP connections can be redirected to HTTPS using the apache mod_rewrite module. Mod_rewrite should be available in every apache installation.… Redirect a subdomain in Apache and keep the URL in the address bar 4 years ago This tutorial shows you how to use redirect rules in the Apache web server. If you want to redirect a… How to convert filenames or text to lowercase on the Linux command line 4 years ago There is no simple 'tolower' command on the bash, but you can convert uppercase characters to lowercase with a little… How to access a name based website without a DNS record 4 months ago The /etc/hosts file on a Linux system is a critical configuration file that maps hostnames to IP addresses. This file… [Solved] Postfix: “queue file write error” 4 years ago If you get an error like: Apr 15 12:41:03 webb4 postfix/sendmail[11234]: fatal: web1_user(12967): queue file write error in your mail… How to Turn off Firewall in Windows 10 4 years ago A firewall is used to keep unauthorized usersĀ from accessing files and resources on your computer. Unfortunately, the Windows firewall is… Page 22 of 70« First«...10...2021222324...304050...»Last »